Saturday, December 24, 2016

Have a holly, jolly Christmas

Merry Christmas! The big day for all good boys and girls of all ages is finally here.

Snowmen with scarves_Cool Effect on Twitter

And here in Central Texas it's in the 70s.

Cheery but not chilly: I know, 'tis the season for joy, not whining about the weather, especially since 70-degree temperatures are a heck of a lot better than dangerously cold ones.

Still, it's the warmest Christmas in Austin in 52 years. The short snowman on the left in the photo above and I are definitely a bit taken aback by this unseasonable turn this so-called winter weather has taken.

But it won't stop us -- the hubby and me, that is; it will pose a problem for snowmen -- from having a great Christmas filled with our customary holiday celebrations.

One of those traditions is that here at the ol' blog is, despite being a blog run by a tax geek for other tax aficionados, Dec. 25 is a no-tax day. Really.

If you just can't resist a tax tidbit or two (or more), feel free to peruse the site for lots of items to fill your time.

Tons of tradition … and food: We, however, have plenty of other things to do today.

Like enjoy Christmas tunes as we take a driving tour of Austin's wild Christmas trees and, after dark, neighborhood light displays.

Of course, sit down to a great meal. This year's menu, like previous ones, is ham and double-stuffed potatoes and corn pudding and collard greens and pumpkin and blueberry-banana pies, washed down with some wine and St. Arnold's Christmas Ale.

Plus presents. And family and friends.

Did I mention the presents?

Holly, jolly time: Wherever you're spending this special day and whatever the weather is there, from here in the Lone Star State the hubby and I wish you a wonderful, holly, jolly Texas Christmas.

And I'll be back tomorrow -- promise! -- with more tax posts. Maybe with a bit of a pie hangover, but I'll be here.

Happy Holidays!

You also might find the prior year Christmas messages of interest:


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